Friday, December 20, 2019

The Counter Argument, Ballenger Kneese Say It Best

To the counter-argument, Ballenger Kneese say it best: â€Å"Of what value is there to a community of having most of its classrooms unused for fully 25% of the possible school days each year, when America s students need more, rather than less, education?† As it stands, concerns concerning loss of learning over the extended summer break remain prevalent. Changing to a year-long school schedule would close that learning gap, allowing students higher retention. However, as Gabrieli states in Koonce (2015), even schools that add â€Å"25 percent more time each year – or the equivalent of three extra years of school for students† (p. 236) can achieve this increase merely by extending the school day with no adjustment in summer breaks. Expanded hours and days â€Å"can ensure at risk students keep up academically; develop attachment to school through such activities as sports, arts, and drama; and develop the beliefs and behaviors consistent with success† (p.2 36). The proponents of expanded learning time (ELT) may attest that â€Å"the greatest opportunity that expanded learning time offers for improving academic achievement comes from being able to better individualize instruction—putting the right teachers with the right students and focusing on the right skills† (Koonce, 2015). ELT allows students to learn that â€Å"through hard work, they can excel through the odds, but that [success] requires time† (Koonce, 2015). Supporters of expanded learning time argue that there is a sizeable benefit fromShow MoreRelatedShould School Days Be Lengthened?759 Words   |  4 Pagesnavigating home through heightened danger due to the darkness. â€Å"He commutes an hour each way on public transportation [and has to] worry more about...going home than what [he is] actually...doing in school† (Neufeld, 2014). To the counter-argument, Ballenger Kneese say it best: â€Å"Of what value is there to a community of having most of its classrooms unused for fully 25% of the possible school days each year, when America s students need more, rather than less, education?† As it stands, there are already

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